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Старий 15.05.2016, 22:42   #1 (permalink)
Аватар для popovitch
Псевдо: Андрій
Звідки Ви: Київ.
Карапь: селедка Л-12
Дописи: 9.038
Сказал(а) спасибо: 4.725
Поблагодарили 6.368 раз(а) в 1.767 сообщениях
Типово Re: Солнечная батарея на катере

Кто подскажет как мой контроллер настраивается? Сейчас стоит включение нагрузки ночью на три часа, соответственно включив нагрузку днем, она остается включенной до вечера и плюс три часа, потом отключается. Хочу что бы она включалась-выключалась только кнопкой на контроллере без ночного таймера. Вот текст из инструкции -
IV load working mode instruction and setting
Normal mode: controller is used as PWM charging controller without lighting and timer function. Controller is at this mode without special request.
Lighting and timer controlling mode: At this mode, the controller will start the load after darkness and will close the load after setting hours ( or sunrise) . Lighting control mode: At this mode, when the solar panels voltage is lower than 2. 5V(for 24V system, 5V. for 48V system, 10V), controller will start the load after 10 seconds. When the solar panels voltage is higher then 3. 5V (for 24V system, 7V. for 48V system, 14V), controller will close the load after 10 seconds. Normal mode setting: Press the button until the load LED indicator starts flickering, and release the button when it flickers 15 times. Then you finish the setting for PWM mode. The controller will preserve this setting and disconnect the connecting will not lose the setting.
Lighting control mode setting: press the button until the load LED indicator starts flickering, and release the button when it flickers 14 times. Then you finish the setting for lighting mode. The controller will preserve this setting and disconnect the connecting will not lose the setting. Lighting and timer controlling mode:press the button until the load LED starts flickering. The load indicator flickers one time means the load working times adding one hour. Release the button when it reaches your setting hour (l-13h). Then you finish the setting for lighting and timer controlling
mode. The controller will preserve this setting and disconnect the connecting will not lose the setting.
Opening and closing load by manual:Pressing the button once shortly will close the load, and the load can be started again when you press the button shortly when the load is off. After starting the load, and when the working mode is lighting and timer controlling mode, the load will be closed after setting time or the next sunrise.
Load working mode checking: Press the button 2 to 4 seconds and then release it, the load indicator will flicker and then stop flickering. The flickering times represent the working mode. Flickering 1 to 13 times means lighting and timer controlling mode; flickering 14 times means lighting control mode; flickering 15 times means PWM working mode.

Добавлено через 5 минут
вообщем то настраивать то понятно, не понятно на какой режим из этих
flickering 14 times means lighting control mode; flickering 15 times means PWM working mode.

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